Kalstar Aviation

KAL STAR Aviation
Jakarta Head Office
Bumi Serpong Damai
Villa Melati Mas Blok SR 1 No. 14
Jl. Raya Serpong Km. 8
Tangerang 15322
Tel: (62-21) 29343400
Fax. (62-21) 5372263

KAL STAR Aviation
Balikpapan Office
Jl. R. Marsma Iswahyudi No. 12
Balikpapan 76115
Tel: (62-542) 737473, 731350
Fax: (62-542) 736622
Email: bpn@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Bandung Office
Jl. Abdurahman Saleh No. 98
Bandung 40174
Tel: (62-22) 6030341, 70809778
Fax: (62-22) 6005567
Email: bdo@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Banjarmasin Office
Jl. Ahmad Yani Km. 6 No. 553
Banjarmasin 70235
Tel: (62-511) 3272470, 3272476, 6219990
Fax: (62-511) 3272476
Email: bdj@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Batu Licin Office
Jl. Tungkaran Pangeran No. 30
Batulicin 72213
Tel: (62-518) 7705546
Fax: (62-518) 21639
Email: btl@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Berau Office
Jl. SA. Maulana No. 45
Berau 77312
Tel: (62-554) 21007, 23276, 22960
Fax: (62-554) 2027279
Email: bej@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Pontianak Office
Jl. Tanjung Pura No. 429
Pontianak 78243
Tel: (62-561) 739090, 583944
Fax: (62-561) 583944
Email: pnk@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Jakarta Airport Office
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
Terminal 1-C, Domestic Departure
Cengkareng, Tangerang 19110
Tel: (62-21) 55913885, 55916410
Fax: (62-21) 55916057

KAL STAR Aviation
Ketapang Office
Jl. M.T. Haryono No. 89
Ketapang 78812
Tel: (62-534) 35586, 35599
Fax: (62-534) 3037620
Email: ktp@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Kotabaru Office
Jl. H. Hasan Basri No. 29-A
Kotabaru 72117
Tel: (62-518) 21639
Fax: (62-518) 21639
Email: kbu@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Malang Office
Jl. Terusan Borobudur No. 65/Kav. 7
Malang 65142
Tel: (62-341) 490797, 490798
Fax: (62-341) ---
Email: mlg@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Malinau Office
Besing Airport
Jl. Raja Pandita
Tel: (62-553) 2023496
Fax: (62-553) ---
Email: mln@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Melak Office
Jl. Patimura No. 34
Melak 75565
Tel: (62-545) 41551
Fax: (62-545) ---
Email : mlk@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Nunukan Office
Jl. TVRI No. 180
Nunukan 77482
Tel: (62-556) 2025127
Fax: (62-556) 24624
Email: nnx@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Palangkaraya Office
Jl. Diponegoro No. 43-B
Palangkaraya 74874
Tel: (62-536) 3236485
Fax: (62-536) 3236485
Email: pky@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Pangkalan Bun Office
Jl. Hasanuddin No. 39
Pangkalan Bun 74115
Tel: (62-532) 28765, 21266
Fax: (62-532) 27509
Email: pkn@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Putussibau Office
Jl. Yos Soedarso No. 144
Putusibau 78712
Tel: (62-567) 21830, 21849
Fax: (62-567) ---
Email: psu@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Samarinda Office
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 80
Samarinda 75242
Tel:(62-541) 743780, 744737
Fax:(62-541) 742110
Email: sri@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Sampit Office
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 28
Sampit 74312
Tel: (62-531) 33300, 6705188, 33345
Fax: (62-531) 33300
Email: smq@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Semarang Office
Jl. Puri Anjasmoro Blok C1 No. 20
Semarang 50144
Tel: (62-24) 7603368, 7624434, 7619345
Fax: (62-24) 7609612
Email: srg@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Sintang Office
Susilo Airport
Jl. MT. Haryono Km. 2
Sintang 78613
Tel: (62-565) 2025600
Fax: (62-565) ---
Email: sintang@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Solo Office
Jl. Achmad Yani No. 219-D
Solo 57145
Tel: (62-271) 719042, 728717
Fax: (62-271) ---
Email: soc@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Surabaya / Sidoarjo Office
Ruko Gateway Block B-18
Jl. Raya Waru
Sidoarjo 61256
Tel: (62-31) 8554185, 8557887, 8556789
Fax: (62-31) 8554358
Email: sub@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Tanjung Selor Office
Jl. Brigadir Jenderal Katamso No. 21
Tanjung Selor 77211
Tel: (62-552) 22205, 2024085
Fax: (62-552) 22205
Email: tjs@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Tarakan Office
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 9
Tarakan 77111
Tel: (62-551) 25840, 51578
Fax: (62-551) 51578
Email: trk@kalstaronline.com

KAL STAR Aviation
Yogyakarta Office
Jl. Raya Solo Km. 8
Yogyakarta 55282
Tel: (62-274) 6560018
Fax: (62-274) 6560018
Email: jog@kalstaronline.com


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